Yesterday I was talking with a colleague about Kobe Bryant’s untimely death. He was about our age, and we grew up watching him play. I think that for many people it rang home how fragile life is and how it could end in a moment.
She mentioned how his death has led her to ask herself if the work she’s doing is actually the work she wants to be doing.
This reminded me of something I once heard in a podcast. Whether you’re doing work you love or feel lukewarm about, the amount of effort it takes to be successful is the same. Let that sink in. The amount of effort is the same.
If this is true, than we had better be careful about how we spend our time. Work takes up so much of our day. It’s where we spend most of our waking hours.
Death is coming for all of us. How awesome would it be to know that when you meet that moment, you will do so with the knowledge that you spent your time doing work that was meaningful to you?
If you’re not doing work you love, now is the time to take the first step towards making a change. Whether it’s a change in jobs, or change in attitude, don’t wait until the timing feels right. Put a plan in place and get to work. The clock is ticking.