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Member-only story

Practicing Delayed Gratification

Rob Hill


It’s important to practice delayed gratification from time to time. When we practice delayed gratification we strengthen our ability to endure. I think it also helps to create more appreciation for the things that bring us joy. For me, this morning that thing was coffee.

Part of my morning routine is to take a 20-minute walk shortly after getting out of bed. After this morning’s walk, I was really ready for coffee. So much so that I could feel a slight headache coming on that I knew could only be cured by caffeine. Instead of making a pot like I usually do, I decided to delay my caffeine-filled gratification by working out first.

I then proceeded to taking out my yoga mat, and completed a 15-minute abs workout. This was followed by 20 minutes of yoga flow to work up a sweat.

By delaying gratification, I was able to stick with my goal of moving my body today. I am writing this piece on Thanksgiving morning, and working out will make me feel better about all of the food I’m about to consume later.

I conclusion, I challenge you to practice delayed gratification in your own life. If you’re a coffee drinker like me, try to see how long you can go without having your first cup.



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