I love music. And seeing a band I’m into is something that makes me feel alive. Attending shows is living my truth.
Last night I got to see one of my favorite bands from 2009–2012, Company of Thieves.
Back in 2012 I had a chance to see them play in a city an hour away from where I lived at the time. I decided to skip the show because it was on a weeknight, and I didn’t want to drive. A year later I discovered that the group had broken up. I was so heartbroken. I had my chance but missed it because I was being lazy. No cool story ever began with, “so I decided to stay home because I didn’t want to drive.”
I just knew that I would never have a chance to see them again. I was so disappointed with myself.
Fast forward to 2017
A few months ago, I saw a Facebook post from the band show up on my newsfeed. I couldn’t believe it. The band I “geeked” out over for three years was now touring again, and they were coming to a venue less than five miles from my apartment. I would now have my chance.
It’s funny how we make such a big deal about what we perceive as missed opportunities. Not only did I get to see one of my favorite bands from many years ago play music, but I got to do it in my own city at an intimate venue. Life is good.