Why Constantly Seeking External Validation is Problematic

We must create our own standards of success.

Rob Hill
2 min readFeb 15, 2021
Photo by Marília Castelli on Unsplash

Seeking external validation is something I’m sure a lot of us struggle with. It feels good to receive compliments for the work we do. We want to make sure that we’re doing a good job and exceeding the expectations of others. Where I struggle though, is understanding to what end.

I feel like there is always a sense of more. The more you achieve the more you want. And what’s the result, just more pie. More pie is just a substitute for more love, more money, more of anything that we feel like we don’t have enough of. It’s a never-ending game.

As I navigate working from home and not having the proverbial water cooler conversation with colleagues, it’s hard to not feel like I’m not doing enough. I feel like if people can’t see me working, they might feel like I’m not doing enough.

In my role, I am responsible for maintaining the office building my employer relocated to back in July. Even though we’re all working from home there are a number of items to keep up with as an owner and operator of a building.

A few weeks ago I felt like I was being put on trial to explain why I was falling behind on my responsibilities related to the building. The questions I was getting seemed…



Rob Hill
Rob Hill

Written by Rob Hill

I make people feel included and valued, so that they can gain clarity, inspiration and new perspective. Denver,CO.

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